A guide to picking the perfect security fencing

Security fencing serves as the first line of defence against potential intruders, providing both a physical barrier and a psychological deterrent.

However, with the myriad of options available, choosing the most suitable security fencing can be daunting. Here, we explore key factors to consider, ensuring your choice not only enhances security but also complements your property’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

mesh security fence

Purpose and Security Level

Before delving into the vast pool of fencing options, clarify the primary purpose of your security fencing. Is it to deter opportunistic burglars, prevent vandalism, or simply mark the perimeter of your property?

The level of security needed will significantly influence your choice of material, design, and height. High-security environments may require robust materials like steel with anti-climb features, whereas residential areas might benefit from aesthetically pleasing yet secure options like wrought iron or composite materials.

Material Durability and Maintenance

The choice of material is paramount when selecting security fencing. Options range from wrought iron, steel, and aluminium to wood, vinyl, and composite materials. Each material offers distinct advantages and potential drawbacks. Metal fences, for example, are known for their durability and strength but may require rust prevention treatments. Wooden fences offer natural beauty but demand regular maintenance to prevent decay. Consider the local climate and potential wear and tear over time to ensure your fencing remains secure and visually appealing for years to come.

Design and Aesthetic Appeal

While security is the primary concern, the design of your fencing should not be overlooked. The right design can enhance the appearance of your property, contributing to its overall curb appeal. Look for designs that complement the architectural style of your property without compromising security features. For instance, spear-topped bars add an extra layer of protection while providing a classic look. Additionally, consider the transparency of your fence; while solid fences offer privacy, they can also provide cover for intruders, so a balance must be struck based on your specific needs.

Height and Access Control

The height of your security fencing is a crucial deterrent factor. Generally, a fence should be at least 2 metres tall to prevent easy scaling. However, local planning regulations may limit the height of fencing, so it’s essential to check these before installation. Integrating access control systems, such as automated gates with keypad or card access, can further enhance security by regulating who enters and exits your property.

Legal Compliance and Neighbour Considerations

Before installing security fencing, familiarise yourself with local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance. You may need to obtain planning permission, especially for high or visually impactful fences. Additionally, consider discussing your fencing plans with neighbours to avoid potential disputes, particularly if the installation will affect their property or views.

Professional Installation and Warranty

The effectiveness of your security fencing panels is also dependent on the quality of installation. Engaging with reputable professionals who specialise in security fencing ensures that your fence is installed correctly and functions as intended. Furthermore, inquire about warranties and after-sales support, as these can provide peace of mind and protection against future issues.

Does the UK Extradition System Work?

If you have watched the news with any regularity throughout your life you have almost certainly heard the phrase extradition, even if you don’t fully understand what it means.

Put simply, extradition as the process of sending a person back to a country where these are facing criminal charges or so they can serve a criminal sentence.


Given that the extradition process involves thousands of individual agreements between different nation states across the globe, the reality is that extradition can be incredibly complex, and it is no surprise agreements can take months or even years to finalise.

What is the purpose of extradition?

The theory behind extradition is that international cooperation is essential for ensuring that criminals face justice and prevents them from simply fleeing the nation to avoid the consequences of their actions.

Unfortunately, as you can probably imagine, arranging extradition treaties between the countries of the world is not always an easy task.

There are thousands of different bilateral and multilateral extradition treaties currently active across the globe, with certain unions such as the European Union making the process slightly simpler in member states.

As of January 2021, the UK is no longer part of the EU, and is therefore responsible with negotiating its own treaties and agreements.

What is the history of extradition in the UK?

Extradition is hardly a new concept in the UK, and there have been instances of individuals being transferred between nations of the UK (England and Scotland in particular) for over 400 years.

The Extradition Act 1870 was the first piece of legislation reflecting anything at all similar to the modern treaties that we see today and allowed for criminals who had committed the most serious of crimes to be extradited officially.

This Act remained the primary piece of legislation governing the extradition process until 1989 when the new Extradition act was introduced.

This Act was later updated in 2003.

Why might someone not be extradited?

There are a number of instances where an extradition request has been rejected by the UK, with the majority of issues involving human rights in the requesting nation.

For example, the UK will not grant extradition requests to the USA, or any other nation for that matter, if the person subject to the request could face the death penalty, as it is considered inhumane in this country.

What should you do if you are facing extradition requests in the UK?

If you are facing an extradition request, you need to act quickly. There is no guarantee that the request will be successful, but the sooner that you find the best extradition lawyer in your area, the better your chances are of it being rejected.

Just because a request ‘should’ be rejected, does NOT mean that it necessarily will be rejected, and this is something that is important to bear in mind.

Do your research properly and make sure that you are confident that whatever criminal lawyer you end up choosing is the best qualified and best placed to represent you properly.

Why are fire risk assessments essential on building sites?

Fire risk assessments are an integral part of keeping your building site safe, protecting your workers and your property from the devastating danger of a fire starting on site.

Just because there was a fire risk assessment carried out on your site at some point in the past does not mean that another one does not need to be done either.

Building sites are constantly changing and evolving as new technology is developed leading to new risks and considerations that need to be made regarding your fire safety.

In this blog, we will take a look at the specifics of building site fire risk assessments, walking you through how to carry out such an assessment and why it is so important to review and optimise your fire safety on a regular basis.

fire risk assessment

What are fire risk assessments?

Fire risk assessments are carefully structured processes designed to identify potential fire hazards and introduce fire safety measures to minimise the risk they pose.

The assessment should inform your fire safety protocols and be the underpinning foundation of health and safety training you provide your staff.

An effective fire risk assessment that is taken seriously by building site managers really can save lives and will reduce the threat of expensive property damage and legal fees.

What is involved in a building site fire risk assessment?

Unsurprisingly, the main purpose of a fire risk assessment is to identify the fire risks that exist on your construction site.

This will include any hazards such as flammable materials, fuel storage areas, flammable paint, and any locations that would be particularly challenging to evacuate in the event of a fire.

After this has been done, it is time to evaluate the risks that have been identified and work out what can be done to mitigate them. There will always be some degree of risk on a construction site simply due to the nature of operations but with the right precautions the dangers can be kept to an absolute minimum.

You should also take note of how your fire safety protocols are affected by the security systems that you have in place including things such as perimeter lighting and building site access control gates.

If you have any questions about how to carry out a building site risk assessment, get in touch with a professional security company who will be able to advise you or even conduct one on your behalf.

Who can carry out a Fire Risk Assessment?

It is the duty of a designated responsible person to oversee the application and implementation of a fire risk assessment.

It is often the business owner who conducts the assessment or the building site manager in the construction industry.

Only a suitable experienced and responsible person should ever be given the duty of carrying out a risk assessment, be it a fire assessment or a security assessment. Ideally they will have a background in fire safety or at least had some training on how to carry out a risk assessment effectively.
